(Lincoln, Neb.) The Alpha Xi Delta sorority at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will be hosting their third annual Karaoke for a Cure on Thursday Oct. 3. The event is a karaoke competition held from 10p.m. until 2a.m. at the sorority’s house located on 17th and R Street. The event is open to the public and tickets are being sold in advance by any Alpha Xi Delta member for $4, or can be purchased for $5 at the door. All proceeds will go to the sorority’s philanthropic partner, Autism Speaks.
Since 2009, Alpha Xi Delta has partnered with Autism Speaks on a national level and has raised over $1 million for the organization through various fundraisers and events.
“Partnering up with Autism Speaks allows Alpha Xi Delta members the opportunity to create personal bonds with families affected by autism spectrum disorder. It not only allows us to raise money but also allows us to understand what its like to live with someone affected with this spectrum disorder,” says Jane Drummond, Alpha Xi Delta’s membership vice president.
According to the Alpha Xi Delta website, 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with autism. Having a child with autism can cost a family an average of about $60,000 dollars a year. Autism Speaks works to spread awareness, promote research and offer support to those affected by the disorder.
“Autism is so prevalent in the world. The more people who become aware of it, the more research and funding will be made available,” says Alpha Xi Delta member Emily Steffen.
Although the main purpose of Karaoke for a Cure is to raise money for Autism Speaks, it is also an event that allows the UNL community to join together and have some fun.
“I love seeing all the people who come out and support the cause… and of course the food,” responds Lacy Keilig when asked what her favorite part about Karaoke for a Cure is.
This year the ladies of Alpha Xi Delta will be serving barbeque and hot dogs.
Karaoke may not be for everyone, but that doesn’t stop students and community members from supporting such a great cause. “It takes such little effort to come to Karaoke for a Cure, but it has such a large impact,” says Alpha Xi Delta member Kayla Herman.
The Alpha Xi Delta Rho Chapter is 1 of the 15 nationally recognized sororities represented at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Installed in 1912, Alpha Xi Delta Rho Chapter has been helping women to “realize their potential” for over the past 100 years. To learn more visit http://unl.alphaxidelta.org.
More details at: http://unl.alphaxidelta.org/