This week, UNL Campus Rec is hosting Purely Pink: A Women-Only Fitness Event April 4 from 3–6 p.m. in the Strength Training and Conditioning Room (STCR) at the City Rec Center. The free event is open to all female UNL students and CREC members, focusing on helping women feel more comfortable using the free weights, machine weights, and cardio equipment.
"We are excited there is a growing female presence using our strength equipment, "said Katie Wilder, Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for Campus Recreation."But we continually hear about a lot of women who are intimated by the [STCR] room and aren't quite sure where to start. This event will help them take the first step in getting comfortable with the space and the machines. Strength training and the use of weights is vital to a woman and the health of bones, muscles, posture, and cardio. Moderate use will not make them 'bulky' but rather help to extend their life."
At Purely Pink, ladies will complete a short STCR orientation and receive a card to redeem on-site for one of the following:
– a pink adidas #ActiveHusker shirt
– a massage from Campus Rec Massage Therapy
– a manicure and hand/arm exfoliation from the College of Hair Design
– a body composition test and water bottle from Campus Rec's fitness team
Additionally, participants can do an optional Super Circuit orientation to receive another card to redeem. All attendees enjoy free healthy snacks from Whole Foods Market, a free canvas tote from the University of Nebraska Federal Credit Union and free nutrition assessments from Campus Rec. All items and services are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Immediately prior to Purely Pink, a free High-Intensity Interval Training Workout is at 2:30 p.m. in the Fitness Room.
Over Spring Break, the STCR and Super Circuit will be temporarily relocated to court #1 while the City Rec Center renovates and expands its strength training and cardio areas. The expansion includes a 2,250 sq. ft.area to double the free weights zone and improve traffic flow. Additionally, new machine weights, treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes will be installed as well as a new air system and Mondo® flooring. The renovation will be enhanced by a new floor-to-ceiling glass wall facing the central hallway which leads from the atrium. This project is part of the YES 2 Better Rec Centers referendum approved by UNL students in October 2010, which also includes the new Outdoor Adventure Center (opening late spring) and new East Rec Center (opening Spring 2015). The referendum appropriated student fees to make quality improvements to the University’s campus recreation facilities and increase the amount of cardio and strength training equipment.
Questions? Call Katie at 402-472-6982 or katie.wilder@unl.edu
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/fb_purely_pink