UNL Campus Recreation is accepting applications for student positions in the new Rec & Wellness Center at East Campus until April 3. Interviews begin April 13 and the first day of employment and training is May 18. The new rec center officially opens July 13.
Open positions include staffing for:
• facility managers
• member services support
• the coffee & juice bar
• strength training & conditioning room
Newly-hired students will split their training time between both the city rec center and the east rec center, prior to settling at the east location. Some positions will have flexible work schedules available for 10 to 30 hours each week, earning $8 to $9 per hour; facility manager and member services support positions will work an estimated 30 hours per week on a set schedule with the opportunity to work up to 40 hours per week. Positions are only open to UNL students.
Applications are available at the current East Fitness Center (FFAB) on 33rd St and online http://go.unl.edu/RWCapp
Questions? Contact Sherri Tompkins 402-472-9036
The new Rec & Wellness Center is located on the site of the former Activities Building (built in 1926). The Activities Building’s original exterior walls with beautiful tall archway windows were incorporated into the RWC's rejuvenated design that has added new structures to the west, east, and south. The interior has received a complete renovation with a brand-new floor plan and modern finishes, amenities, and features, including:
• (52) cardio machines
• (57) strength training racks/platforms/machines
• FreeMotion™ strength circuit
• Synergy 360™ BlueSky 3 apparatus in a functional training courtyard
• two-lane indoor track
• West Gym: basketball, volleyball, badminton
• MAC Gym: indoor soccer, futsal, floor hockey, dodgeball
• (2) group fitness class studios
• personal training assessment room
• smoothie & coffee bar
• demonstration kitchen
• injury prevention & care
• massage therapy
• golf simulator
• MegaRock™ bouldering rock
• rooftop plaza
The RWC is a project of the ASUN-led "YES 2 Better Rec Centers" referendum passed by UNL students in October 2010, which appropriated student fees to improve the quality of the University’s campus recreation facilities. Additional projects of the referendum include renovations to the City Rec Center’s strength and cardio areas (opened 2011 and 2014) and construction of the Outdoor Adventures Center (opened 2014).
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/RWCapp