Lincoln, Nebraska April 6, 2015 – The National Consortium for Academics and Sports (NCAS) has partnered with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF's End Trafficking project to create Shut Out Trafficking, a program to raise awareness against human trafficking on ten university and college campuses across the United States during the 2014-2015 academic year. The Shut Out Trafficking campaign uses sports as a platform to help inform campuses about trafficking by utilizing the draw of student-athletes, coaches, and athletic administrators to engage the larger student body on the issue.
The goals of Shut Out Trafficking are to raise awareness about human trafficking in the United States, and to empower students to take action while learning the value that love and forgiveness can have in implementing change. Shut Out Trafficking educates college students on the brutality of human trafficking and the $150 billion dollar industry it has become.
Human trafficking is one of the most horrific human rights violations existing in our world today. An estimated 27 million people are enslaved, one third of whom are children. The root causes include poverty, discrimination, lack of education, lack of social and legal protections, and violence. In the United States, most people who know human trafficking exists believe it is a problem only outside our borders. However, trafficking has been reported in all 50 states. In the United States alone it is estimated that there are between 100,000 – 300,000 children at risk for sex trafficking,* and thousands more are exploited through labor trafficking in agriculture, carnivals, and domestic servitude.
The NCAS and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF hosts week-long outreach programs on these campuses including keynote speakers, film screenings, appearances by prominent student-athletes and coaches, discussion groups with students, survivors of human trafficking, and public service announcements. Speakers share their personal stories and their reflections about the power of love and forgiveness in their lives. Students participating in the events will be invited to become active in anti-trafficking work to help end human trafficking.
In the fall, Shut Out Trafficking took place at the following schools: LaSalle University (Philadelphia, PA), St. John’s University (New York, NY), Tulane University (New Orleans, LA), Brown University (Providence, RI), and the University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL). More than 5,200 people were engaged on the five campuses and there were more than 3.2 million social media impressions. Shut Out Trafficking scheduled five university and college campuses programs in spring 2015. The first of these took place at the University of Denver (Colorado) from January 8th-9th. The four other spring programs will be at Chicago State University (Illinois) from March 30th-April 3rd, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) from April 6th-10th, the University of Nebraska (Lincoln) from April 13th-18th, and the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) from April 19th to 25th.
During the week of April 13th-18th, the Husker Distinction Council and their partners: The Women's Center, Women’s Fund of Omaha The LGBTQA Resource Center, I've Got A Name, PREVENT, The Change, M@N, Ten Thousand Villages, and NUSAMS will be hosting Shut Out Trafficking at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through the following events:
Monday-April 13th
Educational Presentation on Human Trafficking & Public Demonstrations 11am-1pm @ Union Plaza, City Campus
Shut Out Trafficking Keynote Address featuring Dr. Richard Lapchick (UCF), Sarah Wilbanks (US Fund for UNICEF), and Sriyani Tidball (UNL College of Journalism)
Location: Sheldon Museum of Art @ 7pm-9pm
Tuesday-April 14th:
Fair Trade Fair-- Husker Distinction Council in conjunction with Ten Thousand Villages Lincoln Serengetee and NUSAMS (Nebraska University Students Against Modern-Day 11am-2pm @ Union Plaza, City Campus
Wednesday-April 15th:
Not My Life Documentary Screening: Discussion to Follow
Location: Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center @ 6:30pm-8:30pm
Thursday-April 16th:
Roundtable: Lack of Laws, Policy, and Awareness of Human Trafficking in Nebraska
Location: Room 335 Anderson Hall, College of Journalism @ 5pm-6:30pm
Friday-April 17th:
Student Body is invited to attend Huskers Softball and Baseball games to demonstrate support for Ending Human Trafficking
Softball vs Northwestern Bowlin Stadium @ 5:30pm
Baseball vs Ohio State Haymarket Park @ 6:30pm
Saturday-April 18th:
NO GIRL SHOULD BE FOR SALE WALK hosted by I've Got a Name organization
Location: The Railyard (Haymarket) @ 11am
In anticipation for Shut Out Trafficking week at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Associate Athletic Director of Leadership, Student-Athlete Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives, Dr. Jamie Williams, commented, “I salute our athlete leadership group, Husker Distinction Council, for taking on the task of increasing awareness on campus and within the community in regard to the worldwide problem of human trafficking. As young people whose success is determined by playing by the rules, it is important when they take a stand against inappropriate human behavior.”
For 29 years, the mission of the NCAS has been to “use the power of sport to effect positive social change.” The NCAS educates and empowers individuals and organizations by inspiring values-based thinking leading to actions that promote social responsibility and equality. Through Dr. Richard Lapchick’s leadership, the NCAS has improved college student-athlete graduation rates, advocated for diversity and inclusion in all athletic organizations, and created programs to affect social change in sports and society including combatting domestic violence
The End Trafficking project is the U.S. Fund for UNICEF’s initiative to raise awareness about child trafficking and mobilize communities to take meaningful action to help protect children. In partnership with concerned individuals and groups, the End Trafficking project aims to bring us all closer to a day when there are zero exploited children.
The Shut Out Trafficking project is funded by the Fetzer Institute.
* U.S. Department of Justice, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
For more information about the Shut Out Trafficking campaign, visit
National Consortium for Academics & Sports (NCAS)
Email: Michaela Robbins (
More details at: