Contact: Karen Freimund Wills, UPC Program Coordinator, 402-472-9749
UPC PRESENTS: Creating Internet Content with Burnie Burns
(Lincoln, NE) September 21, 2015 – The University Program Council (UPC) presents, “Creating Internet Content with Burnie Burns” on Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Nebraska Union Ballroom. In this talk, Burns will discuss strategies for success with social media, both in college and in the workplace. This event will be free for UNL Students with a valid NCard and $5 for Faculty, Staff, and Public. Additional information can be found at: http://involved.unl.edu/burnie-burns.
Burnie Burns is an entertainment pioneer being one of the creators of the RED vs. BLUE Internet video series, Burns has been a major contributor to the art of machinima through his video series RED vs. BLUE, in which he helped direct, write, produce, and edit the series, which features over 280 episodes in total. He also is the founder and current creative director of Rooster Teeth Productions, an American production company that produces videos that span a number of genres. Their YouTube channel boasts over 8.2 million subscribers and has over 4 billion video views. Burns has appeared as a guest speakers at the Penny Arcade Expo, San Diego Comic-Con International, the Sundance Film Festival and The Sydney Film Festival for his work in the field of machinima. Burns has also been featured as a keynote speaker for VidCon 2015. He is also set to release his latest IndieGoGo project film, Lazer Team, on September 24th, which garnered $2.5 million in just over a month of campaigning. Burns will be giving a presentation titled, “Creating Internet Content” for students, faculty, staff and the public.
The University Program Council (UPC) is a student organization that provides diverse, educational and entertaining programs to enhance the UNL community. UPC acts as the executive body responsible for the implementation of programs and activities funded by University Programs and Facilities Fees (UPFF). The UPC office is located in Room 134 of the Nebraska Union on City Campus and is a functional area of Student Involvement. For more than 75 years, UPC has been providing entertainment for UNL students in the form of films, speakers, concerts and more! For more information, please visit: http://involved.unl.edu/upc or follow UPC Nebraska on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/7jqo