Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 23, 2015 – Career Services moves two of the largest Career Fairs to Pinnacle Bank Arena (PBA), making it the largest employer selection available to students to date.
The Business, Service, Government and Liberal Arts fair (Wednesday, Sept. 30) and the Engineering, Science and Technology fair (Thursday, Oct. 1) will be held at PBA. Over 150 total employers are expected to attend each fair.
Career Services will also host an Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources fair (Tuesday, Sept. 29) in the East Campus Union and an Actuarial Science fair (Monday, Oct. 5) in the City Campus Union.
Over 1,000 total representatives from 342 unique employers are expected to attend, with 122 new employers attending the fall 2015 fairs that did not attend the fall 2014 fairs. Among the new employers are Aflac, Amazon.com, IBM, State Farm and the U.S. Department of State.
To see a complete list of Career Fair dates and details, please visit the events calendar on our website, http://www.unl.edu/careers/career-services-events-calendar.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/r88z