UNL Information Technology Services will update the password requirements for huskers.unl.edu email accounts, effective April 25, 2016. All Huskers email accounts will be required to use complex passwords that are defined as follows:
Be a minimum of eight (8) characters in length and 16 characters maximum
Contain at least one (1) character from three (3) of the following categories:
Lowercase letter (a-z)
Digit (0-9)
Special character (~`!@#$%^&*()+=_-{}[]\|:;”’?/<>,.)
If your current password does not meet the requirements of the new policy, you may be asked to update your password upon the next login. Whenever updating your password remember to update the saved password in your mail client (e.g. Outlook) and the applications on your mobile device.
Email accounts are under attack daily via criminal phishing attempts to steal your identity and your money. Using stronger passwords is one way you can contribute to the security of your email and personal data.
Also, please remember the following tips:
Change your password often
Don't use the same password on multiple sites
Treat your password like your credit card number – would you post your credit card number on your monitor?
Don’t share your password
Memorize your password. If it needs to be written down, it must be stored securely.
UNL will never ask you for your login or passwords or other personal information.
Do not respond to "phishy" emails
If you have any questions, please visit or contact the UNL Computer Help Center, 402-472-3970 or 866-472-3970 (toll free) or via mysupport (at) unl.edu
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/huskerpassreq