Campus Recreation is offering a Group Exercise Instructor Prep Course this fall for two hours of academic credit. Students will learn the theoretical and practical skills needed to take the ACE exam to become a nationally certified group fitness instructor. Upon passing the class and receiving certification, students will have the opportunity to apply to be a Campus Rec instructor. The class is held 1:30-2:45 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, August 28 through November 15 at the Campus Rec Center. Class size is limited and students register through MyRed and enrolling in the FITN 113N course.
The Group Exercise Instructor Prep Course will also be offered for free twice during the summer for no credit. Students should have the intention of taking the ACE certification and applying to become a Campus Rec instructor.
• Wednesdays | May 10–31 | Noon-4 p.m.
• Wednesdays | July 26–August 16 | Noon–4 p.m.
Those interested in the summer course can contact Sarah at slewis26@unl.edu or 402-472-6170 to register.
Additional academic courses are offered through Campus Recreation, including rock climbing, canoeing, cycling, combative arts, weight training, First Aid/CPR, racquet sports and more. Students can register for these classes through MyRed during enrollment times.
More details at: http://crec.unl.edu/recclasses/academic