Datafest 2017
April 21-23
Nebraska Union- Georgian Suite
Register Now...Deadline April 10!
Sponsored by the American Statistical Society and hosted by UNL's Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative, this intense two-day event will feature teams of undergraduates, assisted by graduate students, working around the clock to find and share meaning in a large, rich, and complex dataset.
After 48 hours of analyzing data provided by an industry sponsor (announced at the start of the event), teams will present to a panel of judges to compete for over 2.5K in prizes in Best in Show, Best Visualization, and Best Use of External Data.
"The goal of the competition is to get students to collaborate and compete on a data analysis question that is likely beyond the scope of what they see in their classes. The judging is based not only on the computational and the analytical skills of the competitors, but also how well they communicate their results in a short amount of time," explains Jennifer Clarke, Director of the Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative.
ASA Datafest has grown rapidly over the past few years, with participation at universities across the country and has proven a very effective avenue to provide students the chance to interact with peers from a variety of majors and institutions. This year, UNL joins more than 50 participating universities.
To register visit: http://bigdata.unl.edu/2017-asa-datafest