Looking for a quiet place to study? Scarlet Guard and the Nebraska Alumni Association will be hosting All Stressed Out April 30 – May 4. Come to the Wick Alumni Center for a quiet place to study and enjoy free food and caffeinated drinks, free Wi-Fi and late-night study hours.
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Campus Rec is teaming up with HyVee again to offer its popular Simple Fix meal prep class on May 9. Attendees of the 2-hour class create five complete meals with 4 servings each, ready for the freezer, oven, or table. Class is limited to 20 participants and fee is $90. Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hy-vee-simple-fix-unl-recreation-wellness-center-east-campus-tickets-31066965129
Beginning May 8th HuskerTech will be supplying laptops available for check-out at CYT Library.
Laptops are due exactly 7-days (168 hours) after check-out, the late fee is $21 per day.
Students must present two forms of ID (one MUST be a valid NCard). There are no renewals on laptops. Another la Continue reading…
More details at: http://its.unl.edu/t3/laptop-checkout-faqs
QUIZ: What are selfies for?
(A) Selfies promote community awareness.
(B) Selfies celebrate who we are.
(C) Selfies are for ignorant Instagrammers fishing for compliments.
Click to find the answer.
More details at: http://unl.readsh101.com/selfie-revolution/
XSEDE along with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to announce a two day Big Data workshop, to be held May 18-19, 2017. Topics presented will include Hadoop, Spark, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Continue reading…
More details at: https://hcc.unl.edu/xsede-workshop-big-data
If you've struggled with alcohol addiction or drug abuse, it's important to choose to manage your sobriety. Finding a community of your peers can help prevent relapse. Learn about support groups from the University Health Center at (402) 472-5000 or http://health.unl.edu/caps/alcohol.
More details at: http://unl.readsh101.com/sober-support-works-students-recovery/