CAPS website redesign offers new wellness resources

The Counseling and Psychological Services redesign offers new resources for students.
The Counseling and Psychological Services redesign offers new resources for students.

Check out the redesigned Counseling and Psychological Services website for helpful mental wellness resources, including:

• A new FAQ page explaining how to make a counseling appointment, how many sessions you’ll need, how long you can expect to wait, etc.
• A list of helpful apps for self-care
• Information on how to help a friend who is struggling with a mental health concern
• Educational videos and articles about common concerns such as anxiety, body image, depression, relationships, sexual assault, stress, loneliness, adjusting to college, substance use and suicidal ideation
• A section on CAPS' commitment to diversity, which also explains resources and services for students in specific underserved populations such as LGBTQIA+ students, veterans, student of color and more

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