Student Involvement Information Strategies (SIIS) invites all students and faculty/staff to their Open Studio showcase from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Student Involvement office in the Nebraska Union, room 200.
SIIS is the design, marketing, and communication division for Student Involvement programs. Their design projects include Big Red Welcome Weekend, RSO Fair, all UPC concerts and events, the Women's Center, Gender Programs, LGBTQA programs, and Campus NightLife. Many of their designs will be on display during the Open Studio.
In January, SIIS will begin offering their design and publicity services to all RSOs. During the Open Studio, students can visit with a designer about how SIIS can help student organizations improve their publicity items.
Info: (402) 472-8155
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/x4c