If you're looking for health insurance coverage in the new year, consider UnitedHealthcare StudentResources, the student insurance option for Huskers available through the University of Nebraska.
Enrollment for spring/summer coverage (Jan. 1 through July 31) is now open and closes Feb. 12 at midnight. If you are currently enrolled in coverage and plan to continue coverage in the new year, you will need to re-enroll.
This medical, mental health, prescription and dental plan offers many benefits:
- 100 percent coverage of most medically necessary services at the University Health Center
- $500 deductible per year (in network)
- Prescription copays as low as $5
- Up to $1,000 dental coverage
- Plan pays 80 percent for medical services in network
To enroll:
Log into MyRed
Select the Profile tab
Choose Health Insurance
For more information about UHCSR, including eligibility requirements, visit http://health.unl.edu/studentinsurance or contact Cindi Pickinpaugh, the UHCSR student advocate, at unebraskaadvocates@uhcsr.com or 866.351.4262.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/q8yy