I AM THAT GIRL: Recruiting an Army of Women

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I Am That Girl Logo

The way we relate to other people - to other girls especially - is hurting us. We have lost focus of who we are and what we stand for. We have bought into the ideas that we can't trust each other and that there's only one definition of beauty. Instead of relating to, sharing with, and supporting each other as community builders, we are knocking each other down. We need a shoulder to cry on when we are sad, encouragement when we are down, accountability when we stray, strength when we are weak, a calming voice when we are angry, and grounding when we're too proud. Community is intrinsic to girls and yet "mean girls" have replaced sisters, and catty glances have replaced supportive smiles. We've reached a breaking point, and our future as women rides on our ability to stop allowing ourselves to be spoon-fed a belief system that hurts us.