Based on personal conversations with beloved Nebraska artist and fixture of Lincoln’s Haymarket, Anne Burkholder, "Earth Sky Tomes" follows the artist's life. It employs music, dance and storytelling to capture the unique voice and vision of Burkholder. Through her work, Anne invites us to see the breathtaking beauty of our own state, with respect, wonder and amazement. OLLI members receive a ticket discount to OmniArts Nebraska productions.
This highly collaborative, original OmniArts production seeks to honor the artistic accomplishments of Anne Burkholder, while giving audience members a glimpse into her humanity, her joy and her desire to learn and grow.
Tickets are available through the Lied Center for Performing Arts Ticket Office, 402-472-4747, or online at
General Admission: $18, Seniors: $14 (all fees apply). Additional discounts are available for students and OLLI members ($10 plus applicable Lied Center fee).
September 19, 20, 21
7:30 p.m.
September 21
2 p.m.
Johnny Carson Theater
Call Lied Center for Performing Arts for tickets.