It's time to recruit OLLI members who are interested in serving on the OLLI Advisory Council. Each year in May, OLLI members elect two representatives to the Council to serve 3-year terms as a Director – representing the members-at-large. Candidates to the Council must be current members of the OLLI program at UNL. Council members provide leadership and advice on the direction of the OLLI program at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
Membership on the Council involves attending the monthly Council meetings that are held at 9 a.m. on the second Monday of each month from August through May. Council members also serve on Council committees that vary in their time demands.
The OLLI By-Laws call for the formation of a Nominating Committee to recruit candidates for the Council. The chair of the committee is Dan Wheeler. If you have an interest in running for a seat on the Council, contact Dan at or (402) 570-6126 by Friday, April 7.
Dan, or another member of the Nominating Committee, may also contact potential candidates. If contacted, please give consideration to serving as a leader of the OLLI program.
The OLLI election will be conducted in mid-May by e-mail or mail to those OLLI members not having an e-mail address. Again this year there will be a brochure prepared with photos and statements from the candidates running for the two positions.
Results of the election will be announced in late May.