Develop a personal fitness program

Create a fitness program just for you
Create a fitness program just for you

Gone are the days where one could anticipate sitting back in a recliner holding a remote, while watching the world pass by. There is a growing body of research which confirms the value of building physical activity into daily life. Learn all about OLLI’s Fri-Yay fitness course and the activities that build somatic awareness, increase balance, improve cardiorespiratory capacity, increase muscular strength and endurance and improve flexibility. Our mission is personal motivation to develop a daily exercise program that can be easily replicated at home with minimal expense and equipment. The ultimate goal is to maximize the quality of your life.

Instructor: Kimberly Barrett, assistant director, Wellness Services and Fitness Programs,
Recreation Department, UNL
Facilitator: David Dyke
Day/Date: Tue, March 13
Time: 9-10:30 a.m.
Location: Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET), Meeting and Events Room, 1800 N. 33rd St.
Cost: Free. Registration is required. Open to the public.

Register online:

Register by telephone: 40-472-6265