UNL Taste Study

The UNL Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders is seeking volunteers for a taste study on the perception of liquids and dissolvable film.

Volunteer Requirements:
• are between19-33 years of age or 55 years and older
• do not have any allergies to citrus
• do not have any taste or smell disorders
• have normal speech and hearing that is adequate to understand conversations at a typical speaking volume
• have not had surgery or injuries to their mouth, tongue, jaw, or neck (routine dental procedures and tonsillectomy are okay) or any history of swallowing problems

Individuals of all ethnicities are encouraged to participate. Both men and women are invited to participate.

The study involves one visit. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to the visit. The session will be conducted in the Sensorimotor Integration for Swallowing and Communication lab at Barkley Memorial Center (UNL-East Campus) and last approximately 30-45 minutes total.

Subjects will receive the opportunity to enter a drawing for two gift cards of $20 each to a local store. The chances of winning a gift card will depend on the number of people enrolled in the study.

Angela Dietsch, Ph.D.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders