Poet Marge Saiser will lead a “Telling Stories Through Poetry” workshop on Saturday, March 24, at 1 p,m. The workshop will be held in the Johnny Carson Theater on the set of "Losing the Ring in the River."
Workshop Description:
Poets have told stories in their poems for thousands of years. In this workshop, we will use prompts to get some of your stories down on paper and we'll apply some techniques to sharpen them as poems. We'll also talk about where to go from there. No matter where you fall on the beginner/expert spectrum, you will most definitely be welcome, Bring nothing but something to write with.
Marjorie Saiser is the author of five books of poetry and co-editor of two anthologies. Her work has been published in American Life in Poetry, Nimrod, Rattle.com, Poetry Magazine.com, RHINO, Chattahoochee Review, Poetry East, Poet Lore, and other journals. She has received the WILLA Award and nominations for the Pushcart Prize.
The cost of the workshop is $25 and the registration is limited to 15 participants.
Contact Judy Hart at 402-474-2206 or info@angelscompany,org