OmniArts Nebraska continues its seventh season of productions with the captivating psychological drama, "No Exit," by existentialist philosopher and playwright, Jean-Paul Sartre.
Written in 1944, "No Exit" tells the story of two women and one man who are locked up together in one hideous room in Hell for eternity. There are no mirrors, no windows and the lights can never be turned off. There are no secrets, no comforts and no way out. The characters learn that Hell is just what they have made it, by their choices in life and they must face the objectification of themselves and their actions by those with whom they share damnation.
Performance Dates
Jan 17-19, 7:30 p.m.
Jan 20, 2 p.m.
Johnny Carson Theater
Temple Bldg
12th & R Sts.
General Admission, $18
General Seniors, $14
OLLI Members, $10
(All tickets subject to Lied Center ticket fees)
Tickets are available through Lied Center for Performing Arts ticket office, 402-472-4747.