Stroll the streets of Colonial Williamsburg, a re-creation of the 18th century city which today serves as the world’s largest living history museum. From there, we’ll travel to Annapolis, the home of the U.S. Naval Academy. This 350-year old city has more surviving 18th century buildings than any another American city. Finally, it’s on to our nation’s capital for a multi-day visit encompassing many of the city’s museums and memorials.
There will be one day in Washington D.C. where participants can plan their own visits to sites, tour the city in small groups, or participate in a pre-selected series of sites.
In addition, here’s are a few other stops that are part of the tour:
• The Maryland Statehouse, the oldest U.S. statehouse in continuous legislative use
• An evening concert by the United States Marine Corp Band
• One dinner in a foreign embassy
• Arlington National Cemetery
• A performance by the world-renowned “Fisk Jubilee Singers,” an African-American a cappella ensemble, consisting of students from Fisk University
• Old Town Alexandria
• Mount Vernon
• Capitol Hill
• Georgetown waterfront
• A Nebraska congressional breakfast in the Dirksen Senate Office building on Capitol Hill
Download a brochure at https://olli.unl.edu/travel-opportunities
For more information contact Lee Rockwell, Valden Tours, Inc, 402-486-0900 or lrockwell@windstream.net