Setting up for a successful semester

Now's the time to prepare for the upcoming semester.
Now's the time to prepare for the upcoming semester.

The beginning of a new semester offers students a fresh opportunity to set the stage for success. Whether your student aced their courses or didn’t perform as well as they would’ve liked, now’s the time for students to engage in renewing their best academic practices.

A few things to remember:

  • Time management
    Encourage your student to use a planning tool, prepare things ahead of time and manage external time wasters.
  • Procrastination
    Students should forgive themselves for procrastinating in the past and instead focus on doing and not avoiding while minimizing distractions.
  • Self-care
    Eating healthy, exercising and setting realistic goals can help students succeed mentally as well as physically.

If your student needs help hitting the reset button to prepare for the semester, have them contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). A trained counselor can assist your student with developing strategies that better fit the coming semester and provide individual counseling to address concerns in those areas. For example, a counselor can help a student with good study habits stay the course while focusing on taking care of themselves.

As the semester gets underway, CAPS will offer group therapy sessions. Encourage your student to watch for these sessions to connect with a counselor and like-minded peers.

CAPS is here to help your student succeed. For questions, call 402-472-7450.

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