Single-dose vaccination clinic scheduled for May 3
The university will host a single-dose, COVID-19 vaccine clinic on May 3. Students interested in getting vaccinated before heading home can pre-register online.
The university will host a single-dose, COVID-19 vaccine clinic on May 3. Students interested in getting vaccinated before heading home can pre-register online.
Before your student leaves campus at the end of the semester, encourage them to take care of next year's housing.
Two- and four-bedroom apartments are available on City and East Campus, as are private traditional single rooms in Selleck or Massengale. Continue reading…
Ten UNL students — eight undergraduates and two graduate students — were awarded Student Luminary Awards to recognize their exceptional leadership and commitment to improving the campus and community. The awards were announced during an April 16 reception at the Nebraska Champions Club.
Chancellor’s Scholars are students who have maintained 4.0 grade-point averages on all collegiate work at Nebraska and elsewhere. Sixty-five University of Nebraska–Lincoln students will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremonies May 8 at Memorial Stadium.
The University of Nebraska Board of Regents recently approved a two-week pre-session of courses for early January 2022 that will shift the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s spring semester back by one week.
During the university's annual Ivy Day ceremonies on April 3, the Innocents Society welcomed its 13 newest while the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board tapped 26 new members. Here's the list of honored inductees. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences celebrated the placement of the final steel beam on its new City Campus building on April 9.
Whether your student is moving back home, staying in Lincoln or graduating, there are easy ways you can help them focus on their health this summer. The University Health Center shares four simple tips. Continue reading…
Get up-to-the-minute information on graduating students' plans based on degree level, college and major. Continue reading…
A new survey from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln shows college students’ drinking rates dropped during the pandemic — contrary to popular belief.
The United States is facing a housing crisis, and it’s affecting potential home buyers and renters across the income spectrum. Students in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Architecture partnered with three Nebraska communities to design solutions.
Fifty-eight years after the first woman earned a doctorate in mathematics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the honor of the 100th will be shared by three women graduating in May 2021.
A line formed just prior to 10 a.m. outside the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Coliseum. Eager students were awaiting their shot at getting a first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The Family and Friends Awards, formerly known as the Parents’ Recognition Awards, recognize faculty and staff who have made a significant difference in students’ lives. Seventy-five University of Nebraska-Lincoln employees were honored for their support to students during a virtual celebration.
For the fourth year, UNL has been selected as an Institute Partner for the 2021 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. Beginning June 21, Nebraska will virtually engage 25 of Africa’s bright, emerging Civic Engagement leaders for a six-week Leadership Institute.
Six Nebraska students received the William N. Wasson Student Leadership and Academic Award presented by the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA). Continue reading…
Three University of Nebraska–Lincoln undergraduates — Alex Christensen, Ethan McDermott and Grant Paisley — have earned the Boren Scholarship to study critical languages.
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