A simple way to boost your student’s health before they graduate

A routine physical can help your soon-to-be graduate successfully transition to life after college.
A routine physical can help your soon-to-be graduate successfully transition to life after college.

If you have a student who is graduating soon, you’re probably helping them keep on track with a to-do list of actions to complete before they leave the university. But does that list include a checkup with a doctor?

Although it might not sound important compared to other to-dos, getting a physical before they transition into the workforce or higher academics is a smart move with a big payoff. Your student is about to enter a new phase of life with different demands and stressors than what they’ve experienced in college. A physical is where your child can get help finding out their baselines and tips to maintain their health to navigate these new challenges.

A physical boosts your student’s health by:
• Discovering ways to improve health habits.
• Screening for possible health problems and risk factors.
• Reviewing and updating immunizations.
• Discussing and making plans for reproductive health and more.

How to schedule a physical
• Once your student has chosen a health care provider, have them call to make an appointment. These appointments fill quickly, so remind your student to contact them this week if they are planning to graduate this spring.
• Have your insurance card ready. If your student is on your insurance plan, make sure they have a copy of your card to take with them to their appointment.
• Once their appointment is made, help your student prepare for their appointment. Talk to them about your family’s health history and write down questions or concerns for the provider. This ensures you make the most of your appointment.

The University Health Center provides annual physicals, health exams for men and women and health assessments for students. Our on-campus location makes it convenient to schedule appointments in and around your soon-to-be graduate’s busy schedule. Our providers specialize in college health and can provide the best advice to help them care for their well-being during this time of transition. Call 402.472.5000 to schedule. Although physicals are not covered by student fees and will incur a charge, we can submit the cost to private insurance. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.

More details at: https://health.unl.edu/primary-care