The College of Business Administration introduced an entrepreneurship track for management majors last fall. The track gives business students a greater opportunity to focus on what it takes to create and run their own business.
Dr. Sam Nelson, associate director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, said, “Each course now has a competition event associated with it. Students have in-class and out-of-class components for each class, and we are establishing formal mentorship opportunities for each student in the program. The competition and the mentoring will all run parallel to the curriculum.”
Nelson also explained the new focus on creative, as well as critical thinking skills.
“If you’re going to start a business, you have to know how to make a very solid argument to potential investors and customers,” Nelson said. “We teach students how to think and solve problems in the startup environment.”
Jeremiah Sirles, a three-year starter on the Husker offensive line from Lakewood, Colo., graduated in May with a degree in management. Over the summer, he interned with opendorse, a local startup which Entrepreneur Magazine named one of 2013’s “100 Brilliant Companies.”
“Getting my degree in management, I took a great interest in entrepreneurship, because I am passionate about it,” Sirles said.
Another resource for students in the entrepreneur track is the Center for Entrepreneurship. The center is focused on helping students learn and practice the art and science of growth. Students can get involved in one or both of the entrepreneurship student organizations as well as pitch a business plan and receive feedback at the EntreprenueringDays@UNL competition in the spring.
“Students in entrepreneurship are uniquely prepared to be the innovators of any organization,” said Theresa Welbourne, FirsTier Banks Distinguished professor of business and director of the Center for Entrepreneurship. “They lead projects, build teams and develop new products from the idea stage to execution.”
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/rtw