Is your student interested in exploring research beyond the classroom? In working one-on-one with a faculty member? And getting paid in the process? If so, encourage your student to apply for the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) program. Through UCARE students conduct cutting-edge research and engage in creative activities in labs, studios, and the community to impact the quality of life in Nebraska and beyond.
UCARE provides students with opportunities to work one-on-one with UNL faculty research advisors in any field -- ranging from arts, education, engineering, social sciences, and humanities to traditional sciences like chemistry, biology, and physics. UCARE students receive a bi-weekly research stipend when they commit to 10 hours of research per week and participate in professional skill-building seminars throughout the academic year.
All students who are considering graduate school or who have a desire to delve deeply into any research or creative area are encouraged to apply for a UCARE award. Application deadlines are fast approaching. Summer 2015 applications are due January 13 and Academic Year 2015-16 applications will be accepted from January 21-March 23. Applicants must be enrolled as full-time sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a 2.75 or higher cumulative GPA. See detailed eligibility requirements and application procedures at
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