Now is the time to start the conversation about spring midterms at UNL. Students may have a variety of scenarios when it comes to the exam schedule for each course. Some students may have one or two midterms in the same class. However, no matter the situation, it is never too early to start planning to review material for the exam.
We recommend for an upcoming exam to count back 10 days before the exam date and start setting extra time aside to review course materials that will be tested. This gives students enough time to review materials, test themselves on their comprehension, and if they still have questions there is time to meet with the instructor. This practice helps students to learn, re-learn, and remember the course material.
Midterms can be stressful for a student who may only have one or two large projects or exams that comprise their course grade. It is not uncommon for a student’s anxiety to heighten, develop poor sleep patterns because of cramming, and pick up unwanted cold germs. We recommend students take studying and break the process into pieces and not study for marathon lengths of time. Students who study for extremely long periods of time struggle with retention of information.
Here are some great tips for preparing for midterms:
• Start studying for midterms at least 10 days before the exam.
• Set aside 45-50 minutes to study one subject and then get up and walk around, take a short break, and then return to studying.
• Attend all review sessions or study groups.
• Know what will be tested on the exam.
• Meet with your professor to review any concepts that aren’t clear.
• Stay healthy and get lots of sleep.
• Relax, prepare, and manage your time.
• When in doubt, seek academic success coaching with First-Year Experience & Transition Programs