Have you been wondering how you can help your student? The parents’ issue of UNL Student Health 101 is the answer! A new edition of this online health and fitness magazine comes out each month, one version for your students and an abbreviated version for you. The special parents’ edition summarizes the month’s articles, providing helpful tips on how to support your student and how to help them think about the magazine’s topics critically.
One of the topics in the March issue addresses suicide prevention. It’s a topic that no one likes to talk about, but believe it or not, your student probably has an acquaintance who is having suicidal thoughts. One in three college students reports feeling depressed, and two out of three college students who report having suicidal thoughts say that they told a peer first. Visit the parents’ issue to see how you can help your student address this situation, and if they are struggling in such a scenario, encourage them to read the full article in the March edition of UNL Student Health 101.