First 25 registrants will receive a free copy of Katt's book
The Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education is excited to offer an Online Nebraska Math Teachers’ Circle on Thursday, Jan. 7, with guest Dr. Susie Katt of Lincoln Public Schools! Susie, a graduate of Primarily Math Cohort 1 in 2010 and a recent Ed.D. graduate of UNL, will be presenting on her book “Productive Math Struggle,” co-authored with John SanGiovanni and Kevin Dykema, and which was published in April 2020. The first 25 registrants (must also attend on Jan. 7) will be mailed a free copy of her book after the event!
Math Teachers’ Circles (MTC) bring together math teachers and mathematicians with the goal to discover and pass along to students the excitement and richness of problem solving in deep yet accessible mathematics topics.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, Jan. 7, at 7 p.m. Central for “Productive Math Struggle in Elementary Classrooms.” We know productive struggle is important but how do we provide these opportunities for our elementary learners? Susie will discuss specific actions to help K-5 students begin to see why struggle is important for them as learners of mathematics and how we can support students as they engage in struggle. Practical ideas to use in classrooms will be shared.
Participants will discuss why productive struggle is an important ingredient of an elementary mathematics classroom and express understanding of:
• the importance of valuing productive struggle by determining how it advances student learning
• fostering student identity by developing strategies for learning about how elementary students view themselves as mathematicians
• how to develop and maintain a community by describing classroom activities which promote a learning environment that embraces struggle
• how to plan for and navigate struggle during a lesson by describing intentional moves teachers can make to support struggle
• the importance of reflecting upon struggle by describing tasks that can be used in classrooms.
Thursday, Jan. 7, 7-8 pm CST
RSVP HERE: https://forms.gle/Y6YZFpRCtW4eKmrz5
Zoom Meeting ID: 942 9494 7949