Take NMSSI courses that build upon Primarily Math
If you are interested in taking mathematics courses that build upon what you learned in Primarily Math, we are offering Math 803P online this July 2021.
The Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes (NMSSI) offer tuition fellowships and discounts to teachers for graduate mathematics and pedagogy courses that are in a two-week-long format to help you take advantage of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s professional development opportunities conveniently and affordably. Read more at: https://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/.
Here is some more info about Math 803P, along with some additional course options for elementary teachers (https://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2021/course-catalog):
#1) July 5-16, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Zoom, with breaks
Math 803P: Algebraic Thinking for the Elementary Classroom (Class # 3190, Sec # 695), for grades K-5 teachers, will be taught by Dr. Amy Bennett of UNL. Math 803P will explore Algebraic Thinking in elementary mathematics. Participants will examine case studies, video segments and student work samples. Discussion will revolve around student understanding of Algebraic properties of mathematics. Participants will explore instructional strategies for fostering Algebraic thinking and eliciting high-level mathematical discourse in both the primary (K-2) and intermediate (3-5) elementary classrooms.
You can also pair Math 803P with:
TEAC 807A: Equitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Identity, Access, & Equity in Mathematics Education (Class # 9327, Sec # 601), July 5-16, 8 a.m. to noon, on Zoom from 9-11
#2) June 7-18, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Zoom, with breaks
Math 896: Elementary-Integrated STEM (Class # 3368, Sec # 596), for grades K-6 teachers, will be taught by Dr. Tammy Mittelstet and Kelsey Quigley of UNL. Teachers will learn to leverage science explorations to provide context and meaning to mathematics instruction in the elementary classroom, while also supporting children’s learning of science. Participants will engage in integrated science/math experiences, deepen their knowledge of concepts needed to integrate math and science in their own classrooms, and learn how to develop rich, integrated lessons to engage children in meaningful and memorable learning experiences.
You can also pair Math 896 with:
TEAC 848G: Introduction to Curriculum Studies: Mathematics Curriculum Analysis & Design (Class # 9345, Sec # 501), June 7-18, 8 a.m. to noon, on Zoom from 9-11
Science courses such as GEOS 898: Weather, Climate and Climate Change, and TEAC 893: Engineering in the K-6 Classroom are also options for you.
How to Apply for Fellowships
All Nebraska teachers automatically qualify for a 20 percent discount on in-state tuition at UNL. You can also apply for a fellowship worth up to $300 from the NMSSI, bringing the estimated cost of one web conferencing course down to $590! Apply here for an NMSSI fellowship before funds run out: https://go.unl.edu/scimathapply
How to Register for a Class
If you are NOT an active graduate student at UNL currently (active meaning you have taken a course in at least one of the past three semesters), you will need to apply to UNL as a graduate student first before you can register. Here is a link to the admission application: http://go.unl.edu/gradapp. Here are some notes about what to choose on the application.
• Under Admission Objective, for Start Term, select “Summer Semester 2021”
• Also under Admission Objective, select “Non-Degree, Post-Baccalaureate” as your Admission Classification.
• Please note that you will have to pay the $50 application fee.
Once you are admitted to UNL, you will register in MyRED. If you are an active student, you can register in MyRED now. Look for Class Numbers 3190 for Math 803P and 3368 for Math 896.
The Benefits of the NMSSI:
• Nebraska teachers automatically qualify for a 20 percent discount on in-state tuition at UNL
• Teachers can also apply for an additional $300 tuition fellowship from the NMSSI: https://go.unl.edu/scimathapply
• Each course is worth 3 graduate credit hours at UNL
• Simplified cost estimates can be viewed at: https://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2021/costs/