Welcome Primarily Math teachers!
The Primarily Math program has had a tremendous impact on the state with 122 teachers having earned their K-3 specialization certificate and another 105 in progress. In addition, we hope to have more K-3 teachers begin the Primarily Math program this coming summer. With all of these teachers completing the program, it is our wish to help promote a sense of community.
Many of you are likely to recall the sense of "family" that develops among fellow cohort members. Throughout the program, teachers develop a camaraderie that serves as a support network as they learn new mathematics, strengthen their pedagogical knowledge and take risks implementing new strategies in their classrooms. One of our goals is to encourage the continuation of this sense of community by providing a forum through which we can "stay in touch," share ideas and support one another as you try taking on leadership roles in your schools and districts.
Our primary goal with this newsletter is to provide "news you can use" in your everyday work as a K-3 math teacher or coach. As such, it is different from the NebraskaMATH Newsletter, which is sent to more than 1000 educators. Although we are sending the newsletter directly to individuals affiliated with Primarily Math, you are, of course, welcome to share this newsletter with your colleagues and administrators if you believe they will find it useful. If any of them wish to receive it on a regular basis, they can send an email to nebraskamath@unl.edu.
So please, enjoy this first issue of the Primarily Math News. As you read, remember your experiences (like the Chicken Nugget problem!) with fondness and think of ideas for future stories that can be shared with your Primarily Math colleagues. Then send them to us at nebraskamath@unl.edu.
We are excited to hear more from you and share your news and ideas with fellow Primarily Math teachers.