Fiscal Year End 2020-2021

May 1, 2021

Review your Commitment Line-Item Reports for open purchase order commitments. After reviewing the reason for the open commitment, if it is determined the order has completed delivery and invoicing, use the change order form to request closures. For more than 5 POs that require closure, attach a spreadsheet with the required information to the change order request within eSHOP.

June 1, 2021
SAP POs - must have a delivery date no later than June 30th to encumber in FY20-21

eSHOP POs – Use the requested delivery date field to encumber funds.  The date entered will sync to SAP.  If a date is not entered, the order processed date will become the delivery date in SAP.

Review your Commitment Line Item Reports (SAP and eSHOP POs) and enter change orders to request closures. For more than 5 POs that require closure, attach a spreadsheet with the required information to the change order request within eSHOP.

June 15, 2021
Submit contract review requests due to to allow for review and signature before FY end.

June 30, 2021
1:00 pm cut-off for CREATION of SAP POs in FY20-21 business to allow for Buyer processing. POs created after the cutoff time will be in FY21-22 business.

1:00 pm cut-off for APPROVAL of ESHOP POs in FY20-21 business to allow for Buyer processing. Any pending ESHOP requisitions not completed and approved prior to the deadline will be in FY21-22 business.

Last Day to CHARGE new purchases on Purchasing Card for FY20-21 business; however, the Supplier must also process the purchase through their credit card system in order for it to have a June 30 date. If the credit card is not processed the same day, the transaction will be reflected as a FY21-22 expense.

Common Contacts:
SAP/eSHOP purchase orders, framework orders, and commitment or removal of funds questions:
eProcurement Help Desk at or 472-2126 opt. 2

eSHOP invoice payments for eSHOP catalog, enabled, prime, or portal suppliers questions:
Chris Barber at or 472-3330

Other questions for Procurement: or 472-2126