Updates from the Nebraska Union
Your RSO may be planning upcoming events for the Fall. If you're hosting in the Nebraska Union, new guidance has been published. Continue reading…
Your RSO may be planning upcoming events for the Fall. If you're hosting in the Nebraska Union, new guidance has been published. Continue reading…
NSE is moving forward with planning for the Street Festival. However, in light of evolving COVID-19 guidelines and best practices for ensuring our community’s safety and well-being, we are implementing a number of adaptations to the event for 2020. Continue reading…
Club Fair and East Campus Welcome registration is now open! Registration closes on August 14. Continue reading…
We know RSOs are planning, and hoping to plan, events across campus in the Fall. To help you, we've developed a unique tool. Continue reading…
Online, On Demand Annual Orientation is a great option for RSOs to stay in compliance. Continue reading…
Student Involvement will continue to offer Annual Orientation dates via Zoom. Continue reading…
New executive team in your RSO? Group project for class? Start off on the right foot by getting to know each other and building camaraderie, even virtually! Continue reading…
Explaining what your RSO does and why others should join can be harder than it looks. Learn how to Pitch Your RSO in 90 Seconds or Less and convert those potential new recruits into new members of your RSO using a simple, proven, and fun elevator pitch method. Continue reading…
Even though COVID-19 has changed our day to day life, there are some opportunities still available! Continue reading…
The university launched an interdisciplinary course exploring the COVID-19 pandemic through different disciplines. Offered as a five-week, online class beginning July 13, it includes more than 30 faculty and staff — the most involved in teaching one course in recent university history. Continue reading…
Nebraska Community of Learners — Understanding Diversity through Education (NCLUDE) invites all Huskers (students, parents, faculty, staff and community members) to participate in ongoing conversations on the importance of inclusive excellence. Join the quarterly conversations, starting on August 20, 2020. Continue reading…
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