As the University continues to adapt to the ever changing COVID-19 pandemic, policies have been adapted to keep students, staff, and faculty safe. These are changes you need to know about:
1. When hosting an in-person event, your RSO is required to check attendee's Safer Community status card.
2. If a member of the public is attending your event, they will need to complete the University of Nebraska-Medical Center 1-Check COVID app and show they have received a result of “Low” to enter an event. Individuals with any result other than “Low” will be denied entry to events.
3. If you are hosting an event with 50 or more attendees, that request must be approved 7 days prior to the event. Event organizers should plan 7-10 days for the review process to be completed.
Details about all in-person events and RSO guidance can be found here:
More details at: