Participate in our Survey!


The Campus Activities and Involvement Consortium Student Study is a survey related to your involvement in campus activities. This national survey of college students, will provide Nebraska with information on your involvement and perceptions of campus activities. Data collected from this project will be used by administrators to make informed decisions about programming and/or events.

This online survey is voluntary, and should take you about 20-30 minutes to complete. The survey will close on Sunday, April 11, 2021.

Please note that all of your responses will be kept completely confidential and all resulting data will only be reported in the aggregate. Any information obtained during this study which could identify you will be kept strictly confidential. There are no direct benefits to you as a participant, however your responses will help shape future campus activities programming and administration at UNL. By clicking on the link below you are indicating your willingness to participate in the survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation! If you have any specific questions about this survey, please contact Kathryn Grier at

More details at: