When submitting EPRs for the rest of the academic year, we suggest keeping these things in mind to ensure your RSO's events are successful.
1. Submit EARLY! Lots of RSOs are submitting EPRs - the sooner you submit, the sooner reviewers can approve the event.
2. Complete the risk assessment in detail to avoid having it denied or having to re-do it. Answer all the questions and provide additional details on how you will reduce any risk above "low."
3. Remember the 3 and 10 business day policies. All APPROVALS are required 3 business days for most indoor events and 10 business days for outdoor events. A cheat sheet is located on the front page of NvolveU.
4. Continue to respond to reviewer questions.
More details at: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/universityofnebraska-lincoln/documents/view/1816724