You & Your Advisor: Events on NvolveU

You & Your Advisor: Events on NvolveU
You & Your Advisor: Events on NvolveU

Your Advisor offers your RSO a great deal of support, and have a unique role with the RSO. Many RSO Advisors are active with their groups planning events and through the Event Planning & Registration (EPR) process. The advisor has a unique part to play in the EPR process. As a leader in your RSO, we want your RSO to be successful, and have some tips to make that happen.

EPRs should truly only be submitted by the student officers of your organization, specifically, President, Treasurer & Primary Programmers. You all have completed Annual Orientation and are fully trained on how to utilize the EPR process, but also on how to work with the reviewers of those EPRs. Since you have been taught important tips and tricks, as well as deadlines, that help the RSO be successful while planning events. The Advisor’s role in the EPR process it to review the event, and join the discussion on the review form if necessary. If your Advisor has a question or concern, the EPR Discussion is a great place for them to ask! Advisors are welcome to provide a "thumbs up" but are not required to.

Advisors have the opportunity to impact the RSO in many positive ways. As a leader, you have chosen to be involved and lead the student organization. RSOs are student-driven, and the Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement team is here to help!

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