Strength of the Month: Activator


People with the strength of Activator are the ones who make things happen. One of their most recognizable behaviors is the ability to turn thoughts, ideas and concepts into action. In fact, the strength of Activator can be best described or characterized as action. These people are in action, usually an action that you can see – tapping a pen on the table, tapping the screen of their phone, tapping you on the shoulder and asking, “What are you doing? What’s going on?”

The strength of Activator gives one the ability to see how to make things happen, to start to make things happen, and to initiate new things so they can happen. They are the “GO” people, not really having the time even for, “ready, set.” For the person with the strength of Activator, action is the reality. They learn through doing.

For Activators to be successful, they should:
• Seek work in which they can make their own decisions and act upon them. In particular, look for start-up or turn-around situations.
• Ensure that they are judged on measurable outcomes rather than their process. Their process is not always pretty.
• Try to have them work only on committees that are action-oriented.

•Giving reasons for why your requests for action must be granted; otherwise, others might dismiss you as impatient and label you a "ready, fire, aim" person.
• Partnering with someone with a strong Strategic or Analytical theme.