Gallup Q12: RSO Friendship


The best RSO members recognize that people want to build meaningful friendships and that RSO loyalty is built on such relationships.  If RSO Members are fortunate enough to have a friend in the RSO they belong to, they 7 times as likely to be engaged in that RSO. What can you do as an advisor to help your RSO members build relationships with each other and foster friendship?

Here are three things to focus on to Help RSO Members Build Friendships: 
1. Trust. Confidence in one another’s reliability and dependability.
2. Teamwork. Appreciation of one another’s talents and strengths; can tackle challenges together.
3. Emotional Loyalty Loyalty to the team is passionate, expressive and deep seated.

Need some additional ideas? Check out our Teambuilding workshops and resources! 
Workshop 1:
Workshop 2: 
Teambuilding Manual:

Still need more ideas? Reach out to Joe Hagerty ( in SLICE to set up a time to meet.