Strength of the Month: Belief


A student who is high in the Gallup Strength Belief, is a student who has core values that are present and enduring. These beliefs, or values, guide decisions and influence relationships and work. Those core values provide a benchmark for what is true. The strength of Belief indicates that a person has deeply held beliefs that are true, unchanging, dependable and (usually) structured and interconnected.

As an RSO Advisor, keep these best practices in mind when advising students who are high in Belief:
- This person will have some powerful bedrock values. Figure out how to align their values with those of the organization. This way, through their actions and words they will make visible the values of your organization culture.
- Realize that this person may place greater value on opportunities to provide higher levels of service than on opportunities to make more money. Find ways to enhance this natural service orientation, and you will see them at their best.