The FAC is a branch of UPC Nebraska that serves as an anonymous funding source for Recognized Student Organization (RSO) events. The committee receives $10,000 in student fees to allocate each academic year for RSO events. Applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis, so once all $10,000 has been allocated, no other requests will be considered. Once an application is received the committee processes and votes on the funding requests during regular UPC Nebraska meetings, and then notifies the RSO about the outcome of the request.
In order to apply for this funding, a RSO must be in compliance with Student Involvement and must do all of their banking through the SOFS office. While requests can be submitted at any point in the year, they must be turned in at a minimum of 30 days prior to the event date under consideration. Any funds granted to a RSO by the FAC shall not be used to finance political campaigns or speakers of a political and ideological nature. The funds shall not be expended for wages, office supplies, student travel, or student lodging.
If a RSO is awarded the funding, a transfer of funds will be made to the RSO SOFS Account only after the FAC has received copies of all bills, invoices, contracts, and/or receipts pertaining to the allocated budget. If the RSO would like to remain eligible for funding in future years, they must complete a post-event evaluation form and submit it to the UPC Office within 30 days of the event.
All RSOs who have not received FAC funding in the past two years are eligible to apply for up to $1,500. Applications are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis so be sure to visit UPC Nebraska's website to apply now! https://involved.unl.edu/university-program-council
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/vhc4