Featured New Faculty: Dr. Erkut Sönmez

Dr. Erkut Sönmez
Dr. Erkut Sönmez

Dr. Erkut Sönmez is currently Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management and Analytics at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. Dr. Sönmez received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Operations Management at Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. He obtained his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering -Economics at Middle East Technical University in Turkey.

In his research, Dr. Sönmez studies capacity management problems that arise with the development of new business models and/or technologies, with specific applications in industries including food and energy supply chains and banking operations. He uses models and theoretical tools such as queueing theory, simulation, and stochastic optimization to examine the decision-making by individuals and organizations in problems motivated by various industry practices. The findings of his research have revealed many industry-specific counter-intuitive managerial insights that aid in decision-support at the strategic and tactical levels. Dr. Sönmez’s research is published in the leading academic journals such as Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Informs Journal on Computing, European Journal of Operational Research, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, and Food Policy, and appeared as cover story of many media channels, such as Huffington Post, Industrial and System Engineer Magazine, Cornell Chronicles, Carroll Capitol, and Perishable Pundit.
For more information, academic webpage of Dr. Sönmez is available at: