Beginning in September, the University of Nebraska (including our very own School of Global Integrative Studies) will be joining 150 global partners in the presentation of the Undocumented Migration Project’s Hostile Terrain 94, a pop-up installation made up of 3,200 handwritten toe tags each representing a person who has died in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, and meant to shine light on the humanitarian crisis at the US–Mexico border. Join us this fall as we memorialize and stand in solidarity with these lost lives, and take part in the greater migration conversation.
Join a virtual session to raise awareness, commemorate and advocate for the migrants who have died trying to cross the Sonoran Desert of Arizona between the mid-1990s and 2019.The event will include a brief history of Hostile Terrain 94 and the filling out of toe tags. Each toe tag represents a migrant who died in the crossing. Through this participatory activity, by filling in the names of those who have died in the Arizona desert, we remember that these migrants are not just data on a sheet of paper or dots on a map. We come together in the toe-tag inscription workshops to bear witness to this humanitarian crisis at our border and build the exhibition that commemorates them. After completion of the 3200 tags that make up the exhibition, the tags will be pinned to the exhibition "map," consisting of quilted textile panels offering a gesture of solace and comfort to those whose lives were lost.
The first virtual sessions in on Tuesday, August 25th at 7PM, to sign up visit: https://sgis.unl.edu/hostile-terrain-94-virtual-session
To learn more about the project visit go.unl.edu/ht94