Sign up today for GLST 391: Negotiating Peace: From Conflict to Coexistence (8-week summer session) web conferencing that meetings T/Th 10-12:20PM. In this class we will speak with negotiation experts who were there for the Good Friday Agreement that brought about the end of conflict in Northern Ireland and will work through case studies that cover Northern Ireland, Syria and Iraq. Each week you'll meet with experts from across the world.
In this class we ask: How do violent conflicts end? Are conflicts ever truly resolved, or are they managed? In this 8-week course, you will cover three case studies of conflict resolution and gain negotiation experience through mock mediations. For each case study, you will hear from guest lecturers who have had first-hand experience in peace negotiations and from individuals affected by the conflict.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of participation in this program students will:
--Understand the basic theories of conflict management and resolution, peace processes and negotiations, and historical failings that have led to conflict.
--Develop analytical, verbal, and mediation and negotiation skills by presenting complex and abstract issues.
--Be able to analyze and compare the three cases of conflict resolution, discuss the events that shaped the peace processes, and explain the similarities and differences.
--Engage in self-reflection and consider their own place and role in the apparatuses that contribute to war and peace, and to provide avenues for a more concerted and thoughtful engagement with societal and political forces that dominate or emancipate their subjects.
>>This summer global experiences course will be offered at a discounted tuition rate of $116.55/credit hour (~$350 for a 3-credit course). All students – resident, non-resident, international, graduate – can take advantage of the discounted rate for summer 2021 only.
More details at: https://myworld.unl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12996