Week 2 SGIS Newsletter

Week 2: Welcome to SGIS
Week 2: Welcome to SGIS

Week 2: Welcome to SGIS

We are so excited to welcome you to 2022-2023 academic year. School of Global Integrative Studies is a home to incredible students, staff, and faculty passionate about Anthropology, Geography, and Global Studies, and we are excited for a year filled with extraordinary opportunities and experiences. Continue reading…


Update from Advising

Few Important Deadlines:
Aug 29th – last day to add/ drop course for full 100% refund.
Sept 2nd – last day to drop a course and receive 75% refund along with removing it from the record.
Continue reading…

Come and intern in Japan with Global Studies!  Senshu University Matsudo Junior High School needs two (2) English-speaking interns this coming Spring for their intensive English courses. Applicants should be conscientious, creative and self-motivated. Int
Come and intern in Japan with Global Studies! Senshu University Matsudo Junior High School needs two (2) English-speaking interns this coming Spring for their intensive English courses. Applicants should be conscientious, creative and self-motivated. Int

INTERN in JAPAN this spring

Senshu University Matsudo Junior High School needs two (2) English-speaking interns every Fall and Spring for their intensive English courses. You can still apply! Interns are expected to present their own culture to the students and actively assist teaching staff. No Japanese language needed. Continue reading…

More details at: https://myworld.unl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11563
You're Invited to our OPEN HOUSE
You're Invited to our OPEN HOUSE

You're Invited to our OPEN HOUSE

All Anthropology, Geography and Global Studies students are invited to join us for our first official SGIS OPEN HOUSE. This is a chance to get to tour of facilities, and get to know your peers and professors. Our doors will be open. We can't wait to see you! Continue reading…

Tensions in US-China Trade and Global Order
Tensions in US-China Trade and Global Order

Tensions in US-China Trade and Global Order

Want to take a course with a former international trade negotiator and expert in the field? Based in Southeast Asia, Yeutter Institute visiting professor and Hinrich Foundation Senior Fellow Stephen Olson has first-hand experience with US-China trade relations. Continue reading…

Originally published August 29, 2022 - Submit an Item