Week 2: Welcome to SGIS

Week 2: Welcome to SGIS
Week 2: Welcome to SGIS

Bringing together anthropology, geography, and global studies, the School of Global Integrative Studies prepares students to excel in an increasingly connected, complex, and ever-changing world—and change it for the better. This is our weekly newsletter and we hope you will take a moment each Monday to read about upcoming events, opportunities and ways to get connected.

Our alumni are well-rounded global citizens capable of investigating, navigating, translating, doing business, and improving conditions across borders, oceans, and cultures.

To learn more about the School of Global Integrative Studies (SGIS) visit sgis.unl.edu

Follow individual programs on social media:
Anthropology Twitter @ANTH_UNL and Facebook @unlanthropology

Geography Twitter @UNLGeography and Facebook @UNLGSO

Global Studies Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @UNLGLST