I’ve Got A Name is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit here in Lincoln, Nebraska. The organization fights against sex trafficking in Nebraska both by enabling and inspiring the public to stand against the issue and by working one-on-one with individuals who are vulnerable and victims. This spring, they have several events planned to both inform and raise awareness of sex trafficking. The first event is their annual Walk For Freedom, taking place on April 13th. This is an awareness-focused event, where we will walk from the Nebraska Union Broyhill Fountain to the Nebraska State Capitol Building, listen to a few speakers, and have lunch. Student registration is $15, regular is $25. This includes a T-Shirt and Valentino's Pizza. Check-in starts at 9:00am and the walk starts at 10:00am. Registration link below.
More details at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/walk-for-freedom-2024-tickets-808249715657?aff=oddtdtcreator