The Nebraska Archaeological Society is offering to college scholarships to Archaeology Students, both undergraduate or graduate! The Ron Cruise Memorial Scholarship is worth $1,000, and the Dana Deger Memorial Scholarship is worth $750. Scholarship applications can be found at the Nebraska Archaeological Society website at: http://sites.google.com/site/webnas/
Application due July 15, 2024
To be eligible for consideration an applicant must:
1. Be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a post-secondary institution of higher learning and majoring in archaeology with a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) and have completed at least 12 credit hours of archaeology related course work.
2. Be a graduate of a Nebraska high school and be enrolled in a post-secondary institution of higher learning during the semester for which the scholarship is awarded or, if not a graduate of a Nebraska high school, be enrolled in a Nebraska domiciled post-secondary institution of higher learning during the semester for which the scholarship is awarded.
More details at: http://sites.google.com/site/webnas/