CAS at Work Month features a series of our signature “At Work” events:
Humanities at Work, Wed Nov 6, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Social Sciences at Work, Thu Nov 7, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Science at Work, Wed Nov 13, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
These are small, casual, career exploration events that feature 8-9 employers each, and a panel of professionals (including CAS alum). The program starts with some content from the career coaches and a brief reflection activity. Then we transition to a Q&A with the panel, facilitated by the career coach. The rest of the event is for casual networking with the organizations in attendance. Students are able to chat with different representatives and get their questions answered. Many students will stay for the entire duration of the event and chat with every representative in the room!
This format has been very successful for us in the past because they are casual, intimate, and cater to both introverted and extroverted personalities. Employers always have glowing feedback, and several students have reported pursing internship/job opportunities because of the connections they make.
Here are the employers we have attending for each event:
Humanities at Work – Film Streams, Lincoln City Libraries, Lincoln Literacy, LUX Center for the Arts, Nebraska State Historical Society, University of Nebraska Press, Alzheimer’s Association, Children’s Nebraska
Social Sciences at Work – Water for Food Institute, St. Monica’s, Center for People, Nebraska Civic Engagement Table, Voices of Hope, Department of Health & Human Services, Nelnet, Jenda Family Services, City of Lincoln, UNL Admissions
Science at Work – Celerion, Marble Technologies, NUtech Ventures, DataBank, Neogen, Streck, Sanford Research, Morrill Hall
Career Development and Experiential Learning Opportunities
Connect with a CAS career coach to explore your career options, identify ways to gain experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate schools. We can help with resumes, application materials, interviewing, and more. CAS career coaches support your career development no matter where you are or where you’re going. Schedule with your coach on Student Success Hub and follow us on Instagram for tips, resources, and great job and internship opportunities for CAS majors! Don’t have a lot of time? Stop by for a quick drop-in meeting any Wednesday or Thursday 1-3pm, available in-person in 107 Oldfather or via Zoom. https://cas.unl.edu/student-resources/career-coaching/
Experiential Learning Funds for Internships and Research | College of Arts and Sciences Nov. 15 (Priority Deadline)
Participating in unpaid or out-of-state research or internship opportunities may come with additional costs. Students may apply for up to $1500 of funding that enables their participation in an internship or research opportunity. Check out the eligibility criteria and apply early.