The application deadline for Cultural Vistas' Summer Internship Program in Germany has been extended until January 22, 2016.
This program provides an opportunity for students at U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities to gain international work experience, improve German language skills, and experience German culture firsthand from late-May/June through August 2016. Internship placements are available in a variety of fields, including, but not limited to business, economics, engineering, German studies, international relations, IT, media/communications, non-profit sector and tourism.
For detailed information and application materials, please visit our website at:
January 22, 2016
-U.S. citizens or non-U.S. citizens enrolled at accredited U.S. colleges and universities, before, during, and after the program; Canadian citizens enrolled at Canadian colleges and universities -The equivalent of 2 years of post-secondary German language instruction -At least 2 years of study at a university or college in the field of their major
More details at: http://culturalvistas.org/programs-for-students-and-professionals/internships-abroad/summer-internship-program-in-germany